Dodd Class 

(Reception/Year 1)

Live in Faith, Learn in Joy

John 10:10  I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

Welcome to Dodd Class! 

A very warm welcome to our page. We have a mixed class of Reception and Year 1 children. In Reception we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework. We use "Tapestry", an online learning journal, to record the children's daily learning journey which is then shared with parents and carers.

We do not set homework in EYFS, although we encourage our parents to read with their children on a daily basis for 10 minutes, practise their current phonic learning, work towards strengthening their muscles to improve handwriting skills and to have lots of fun learning learning through play.

By working together, we aim to make this the best possible start to a love of life-long learning. It is a privilege to be sharing your child’s first stepping stone into education.

Our Reception Class Teacher is Mrs Johnson. If you have any questions or would like further information about Reception life at St. Saviour's please send an email to . Please visit our EYFS Curriculum page for more information.

Learning through play!

Our RE topic for this half term is: Revelation

Useful Websites

Phonics Play


Useful Resources

Phonics is taught daily and children begin with Phase 2 sounds and then progress to Phase 5 by the end of the year.  Children also learn to read words that are harder to read and spell (words that do not necessarily follow the rules!).

The children learn mnemonics and ryhymes to help them read and write the letters (graphemes).  Please click on the button to find out more information for each Phase.


Phase 2 Sound Mat

HRS-words-Phase 2 on a page.pdf

Phase 2 Harder to read and spell words (HRSW)


Phase 3 Sound Mat

HRS-words-Phase 3 on a page.pdf

Phase 3 HRSW

HRS-words-Phase 4 on a page.pdf

Phase 4 HRSW


Phase 5 Sound Mat

HRS-words-Phase 5 on a page.pdf

Phase 5 HRSW