Vision & Values
Live in Faith, Learn in Joy
Our Mission
Live in Faith, Learn in Joy
Our community developed their Mission by identifying what they believed were the key purposes of the school life.
If we live in faith, all our actions and interactions, through the Catholic Social Teaching actions, are offered to God. We are beacons of hope and love for others.
By learning in joy, we understand that each day brings a range if learning opportunities within the class and outside it. By grasping these opportunities we are taking all our gifts and using them fully. It focuses on us being the best versions of ourselves as we take our place in the world wide community and God's creation.
Our Vision
Live in Faith - showing God's love to all we meet,
This means that the school offers all children and staff a wide range of opportunities to explore their faith. No presumption is made about where people are on their faith journey but without these opportunities’ growth is inhibited. Like the seeds in the Parable of the Sower that fell on bare soil no growth is seen.
Living in faith is supported through the behaviour expectations that are evident throughout the school. These expectations are mirrored through the relationships that are established within the community members. These actions are given purpose through the Gospel values and the Catholic Social Teachings.
The children will experience a range of faith opportunities that flow from the Liturgical Calendar and our close links with the local parish. These will include such opportunities as masses, liturgies, faith events such as May Day, Our Lady Untier of Knots in May, Cultural food events as well as the RE learning, PSHE teaching and the cross curricular teaching that reflects the Catholic Social Teachings ideals.
Learn in Joy - to become citizens and stewards of our worldwide community
This means that the school will ensure that its curriculum offers the children learning that excites and engages them. This learning will be sequenced in such a way that enables them to build week on week, year on year in their skills. This progression means that as they transition between the key stages within the school as well as leaving school to go to secondary school, they can be successful. The curriculum will include activities within the school and externally to challenge and make the children gasp! Our staff are looking to not only prepare them for the learning but also to create memories for the children that enables the culture awareness being grown along with their knowledge base.
Catholic Social Teaching
Stewardship, Common Good, Dignity, Options, Solidarity, Peace and Justice
These Catholic Social Teaching Actions are shared with the children regularly in Celebration of the word and reinforced through our curriculum planning and teaching. They are inclusive for people with different or diverse faiths and also for those with no religious beliefs.
This is the Strategic plan which shares the Vision for St Saviour's over the next 5 years. When planning school improvement, it is the document that is used to ensure that our vision is upheld and shared with all stakeholders.
Vision for Catholic Schools
Bishop Philip Egan Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth
Jesus transforms lives
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
If you know me, you will know my Father also."
~ John 14:6-7
We want to bring people closer to Jesus in every aspect of our work.
We want to teach people about Him, to connect people with communities and parishes focused on Him,
We want to reach out to those who have never heard about Him.