Pupil Premium

Love Life, Love Learning

What is Pupil Premium?

Pupil premium is funding to improve education outcomes for disadvantaged children attending schools in England.

Schools receive Pupil Premium funding for:

Is Your Child Eligible?

To check if your child is eligible for the Pupil Premium, please complete the confidential online form.


This is a  Government form and your personal circumstances will not be shared with the school. If you have already been declined, but feel your circumstances have changed, please resubmit another application.

If children are eligible for funding, the school is entitled to additional funding for them whether or not you wish your child to have a school meal at lunchtimes. 

Even if your child is in KS1 and receives a free meal automatically, you must make an application in order for us to receive Pupil Premium for them. Your child is likely to be eligible if you receive one or more of the following benefits:

Any questions please speak to our Admin Officer, Olivia Boynton,  in the school office who will be able to help you.


Our Pupil Premium Strategy

At St. Saviour's, we believe that all our children, regardless of their individual circumstances, are entitled to the highest quality of education.

A separate statement summarising information for parents and details of the allocation is made available below.

St S PP website.pdf