Meet our Governors
Live in Faith, Learn in Joy
Our Governing Body is committed to promoting the educational and
spiritual life of the school.
Welcome to the Governors section of our website.
Governors play an important role in the strategic direction of the school guiding and supporting the school’s work and encouraging further improvement. They are often referred to as ‘critical friends’, monitoring and evaluating performance, supporting and questioning the senior management team and ensuring that the annual School Improvement Plan meets the needs of pupils, and is delivered comprehensively. As critical friends of the schools, governors should be able to recognise and celebrate success as well as ask questions.
Whilst it is a Head Teacher’s job to run the school, the Governing Body has three main areas of responsibility:
· to ensure that the school has a clear vision, ethos and strategic direction;
· to hold the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils;
· to oversee the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent
. to maintain and develop the Catholic Christian ethos of the school as a witness and a service in our community
The Governing Body also has a responsibility to account to everyone who has an interest in the performance and standards achieved by the school: pupils, parents, the Diocese, Local Authority and HM Inspectors.
Governors meet as a full governing body once every half term. We also have Admissions, Curriculum & Standards, Leadership & Management and Pay Committees.
Individual governors are responsible for areas and subjects across the school and undertake regular monitoring activities which are reported back to the full governing body.
There are five categories of Governor:
· Foundation Governors (7), who are Catholics nominally appointed by the Bishop
· Head teacher (1)
· Local Authority Governor (1) generally nominated by the Full Governing Body and appointed by the LA
· Parent Governors (2) elected or co-opted by parents
· Staff Governor (1), elected or co-opted by staff.
If you would like to find out more about being a Governor, please contact Kat Pevreall, clerk to the Governing Body on for more information.
Gioia Minghella-Giddens - Chair of Governors (Foundation Governor)
Gioia is a former deputy head teacher and ran the family ice cream business for 15 years, was High Sherriff of the Isle of Wight in 2018-2019 and now has many charitable interests including President of the IW Girl Guides Association. She has functional responsibility for Inclusion and Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.
Ian Looseley - (Foundation Governor)
Ian recently retired after working in the steel industry and running a raw materials supply company. He has functional responsibility for Finance and Religious Education.
Carol Bray (Foundation Governor)
Carol is a Freshwater Parish Councillor. She has functional responsibility for Maths, Music, PE and Sport.
Kayleigh Higgins (Parent Governor)
Tina Winsor (Staff governor) - SENCO, KS2 Class Teacher and Senior Leader, National Award for SEN Coordination (NASENCO) and Early Numeracy Intervention training at Masters Level. Also responsible for Attendance, Inclusion and Designated Teacher for Looked after Children.
David Callender (Foundation Governor) - David is retired following 37 years working in the field of education: teaching, management and inspection.
Fr Nishan Edward (Foundation Governor)
Vicki Blakeley (Parent Governor)
Maggie Sanderson (Executive Headteacher)
Kat Pevreall (Clerk to Governors) - Kat joined St Saviour's as Clerk to Governors in October 2021. She has been a clerk since 2018 and currently works with six other schools across the Isle of Wight and Southampton.
Governor Business Interests

Governors Attendance Records

Current Scheme of Delegation

Current Terms of Reference