Within St Saviour's school the safeguarding of our pupils is a core role.
To this end we publish our safeguarding statement for all our families and stakeholders to know, understand and use.
The following safeguarding measures are in place:
Cause for Concern
All staff are asked to report any causes for concern to the Designated Safeguarding Leads using a written proforma. Any concerns will be shared with parents/carers as early as possible as more often than not there are extremely reasonable explanations for the concern. Concerns may range from children being visibly upset to persistent lateness to children ‘disclosing’ concerns. On occasion concerns will be directed to the MASH team who support schools with more serious concerns. Whilst we still try to engage with parents during these referrals, we may be advised by the MASH team not to do so because of the investigations that may be required.
Local Safeguarding Partnership
The Isle of Wight Local Safeguarding Partnership (IOW LCSP) is organised to support, guide and strengthen Safeguarding practices. The school regularly accesses training and advice from the IOW LSCP. Parents are also welcome to contact the Board and use their excellent website. See the link below.
All lateness and absences are recorded by the class teachers and the school office. Reasons will be sought for all absence or lateness. Attendance is monitored through these systems and referrals to the Designated Safeguarding Leads can be made. Parents and carers will always be informed of concerns around attendance at the earliest point. If attendance concerns continue, the school may refer to the Education Welfare Service.
Absence During Term Time
Parents and carers should not to take their children out of school during term time. Every day of your child’s education counts. Absence requests must be put in writing to the Headteacher. Holidays will not be authorized even if this includes such events as weddings. In some cases, parents and carers will be asked to discuss the reasons for absence requests.
The Isle of Wight Safeguarding Partnership shares resources for families and schools to use to safeguard children. Their website has a range of resources to support families in keeping their children safe.
In school all staff are trained annually to keep children safe. This includes Prevent training. Prevent is the Government strategy which identifies when people are at risk of being radicalized, causing risk to the community as well as the individuals themselves.
The school has a safeguarding policy which shares with families what safeguarding processes are in place. You will also see in the school building posters that explain who the Designated Safeguarding Leader and deputies are. If you have any concerns about children please let staff know.
Everyone is responsible for safeguarding.
Governors and staff regularly discuss safeguarding scenarios so that we are keeping our training up to date. No-one likes to think that any child is hurt but we know that this happens. At St Saviour's it is up to us as a community to always have the understanding that this is a possibility and so we have to ask those challenging questions.