Catholic Life
Live in Faith, Learn in Joy
Please view our RE page for information about our curriculum provision.
Here is our most recent S48 report.

What is a Catholic Schools Inspection
There are two types of School Inspection. Section 5 is the OFSTED whole school Inspection and the Catholic Schools Inspection is the RE Inspection that is carried out in schools that have a religious character.
Ofsted has no remit to inspect the RE provision in a school designated as having a religious character and do not pass judgement on this area of school life in their inspection process at our school.
RE and Catholic Life Inspections take place every 5 years with an interim monitoring visit to ensure standards and to review progress.
How are schools validated?
Every school in the Portsmouth Diocese is inspected under Section 48 of the Education Act 2005. See CASO for more details.
These inspections evaluate the Catholic life of the school, the provision and quality of collective worship, as well as all areas of the RE curriculum.
This inspection process helps ensure that all Catholic schools continue to develop in order to fulfil their mission of making Christ known.
Grade descriptors
When schools are inspected - these are the descriptors against which the judgements are made:
• Pupil outcomes: the extent to which pupils contribute to and benefit from the Catholic life and mission of the school.
• Provision: the quality of provision for the Catholic life and mission of the school.
• Leadership: how well leaders and governors promote, monitor and evaluate the provision for the Catholic life and mission of the school.
• Pupil outcomes: how well pupils achieve and enjoy their learning in religious education.
• Provision: the quality of teaching, learning and assessment in religious education.
• Leadership: how well leaders and governors promote, monitor, and evaluate the provision for religious education.
• Pupil outcomes: how well pupils participate in and respond to the schools’ collective worship.
• Provision: the quality of collective worship provided by the school.
• Leadership: how well leaders and governors promote, monitor, and evaluate the provision for collective worship.
Positive relationships
Caring, Christian, inclusive community
Children keen to engage in learning
Strong committment to improve
Behaviour of pupils both within the classroom and beyond is good
Good partnership between home and school