Tennyson Class (Y3/4)

Our current topic:

Dates for your diary:

Please check for updates on the school calendar

Monday 20th June School photographer- class photos

Monday 27th June Development Day - school closed for staff training

Thursday 14th July Butser Farm Trip

A polite reminder:

We encourage healthy eating at our school. Children should not be bringing in chocolate (including bars and biscuits) or crisps in their packed lunches.

Our current RE topic is: Sacraments

Please read the information letter below for Summer 2 with details about class organisation and curriculum learning.

This half term, PE will be on Tuesday and Friday. Please make sure you have your PE kit in school on those days.

Untitled document

Here are some useful links which will help with our learning this half term.


Here are some useful resources and links to support home lear

Children need to know all their times tables up to 12 x 12 by the end of Year 4. TT Rock Stars is a great way to practice them- or you can try the Multiverse feature in Mathletics.


This is a useful list of words the children should be able to spell by the end of Year 4. We will be practicing them in school and you can practice them at home too.