Class (Y1/2)
Live in Faith, Learn in Joy
John 10:10 I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
Our topic this term is ...
Dates for your diary: Summer
Monday 15th April - Back to school
Monday 5th May - May Bank Holiday
Friday 24th May- Last day of term
Please check for updates on the school calendar
PE will be swimming at the Sports Centre this term. Please ensure they still have their PE kit in everyday as we may have other opportunities for PE
Class timetable
Curriculum Overview
Curriculum Plan
Our RE topic for this half term is: Easter and Pentecost
Useful websites
Useful resources
Phase 2 Sound Mat
Phase 3 Sound Mat
Phase 5 Sound Mat
Phase 5 Alternative Pronunciation
The children learn mnemonics and ryhymes to help them to remember the sound (phoneme) and write the letter (grapheme). Please click on the button to find out more information for each Phase.
Please click on these videos to help you pronounce the sounds (phonemes) to support your child's reading and writing.
Children are taught words that are harder to read and spell (often words that do not follow the rules!).